Hypertext Information Systems and Web Sites Online Help
Writing and Design (Hard Copy)
Editing (Hard Copy)
Video Art
and TV
Dr. Jonathan Price
The Communication Circle
918 La Senda, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 898-4912
Web Content
- Edited special
issue of Technical Communication on Modeling Information in
Electronic Space, February 2001.
- Present two-day and
three-day workshops on Organizing Information for Web Delivery (an
object-oriented approach with XML examples) to groups of technical
writers, marketing writers, and UI experts at University of California
Santa Cruz (1997-2001), Solutions Technical Writing Clinic (1998), Society
for Technical Communication Annual Meeting (1998), Bentley College (MA,
1998, 2000), Informix (CA, 2000), Cisco (CA, 2000).
- Presented two-day
workshop on XML for the Rest of Us, UCSC, September 2000.
- Present
one-day workshop on Writing for the Web at University of New Mexico
(1999), University of California Santa Cruz (online course, 1999. 2000),
WinWriters Help Conference (2000), Solutions Technical Writing Conference
Created 20 digital
imaging and printing projects with step-by-step instructions for
consumers at Print Central, a Hewlett-Packard site within America Online,
as well as the regular Hewlett-Packard site. 2000.
- Created 30 detailed tips
on printing, imaging, scanning, choosing paper, and using iron-ons, for
HP’s Print Central on America Online. 2000.
- Edited and expanded
55 existing print projects from HP’s regular site, moving them to
Print Central on America Online. 2000.
- Wrote 95 news
articles on beauty e-commerce for CosmetiqueNews.com, reused in print
ancillaries, Beauty Business News and International Cosmetic
News. (2000-2001)
- Wrote instructions
and advice on mounting a database on a Web site, as part of book for
developers co-authored with Rich Coulombre, Special
Edition Using FileMaker Pro 5, from Que (Macmillan). 2000.
- Created Web sites
for local charitable foundation, LevinsonFoundation.com, and charitable
organization helping the disabled, GoAdelante.org, as well as their
business arm, GoAdelante.com, 1999-2000.
- Wrote 75 Web
tutorials about online auctions (at Amazon, CNet, eBay, Excite, and
Ubid) for Service911.com. 1999-2000.
- Wrote 12 Web
tutorials on using MySimon for Service911.com, 1999.
- Wrote 2 feature
articles about shopping on America Online for Cliffsnotes.com
(subsidiary of IDG), 2000.
- Performed analysis
of customer assistance on top 100 Web sites, reported at WinWriters Help
Conference, San Diego, 2000.
- Participate in
Help4Web, an ongoing effort to create W3C standards for customer
assistance on the Web, contributing my own surveys and suggested XML DTDs,
- Wrote two
feature-length print articles on beauty Web sites for Beauty
Times (London), 1999-2000.
- Participated in moderated
chats with users of Washington Post site, Yahoo, MSN, Fall,
- Co-authored,
designed, and produced The Best of
Online Shopping, Ballantine, October, 1999.
- Presented workshop
on Writing for Webzines at Annual Convention of Society for
Technical Communication, 1998; Southwest Writers’ Workshop Annual
Convention, 1998; Solutions Technical Writing Clinics, 1999, 2000.
- Published hypertext
poems. Presented Tao Te Ching, a Web poem based on Lao Tse’s
81-poem sequence, on www.theprices.com, 1999. Created Mount
Fuji, a Web poem based on Hokusai’s Views of Mount Fuji, in 47 Web
pages with art, on www.theprices.com, 1998.
presentation about editing content on Web sites, with Anderson,
Campbell, Hindle, and Scasny. February 20, 1998.
STC Region 5 Conference, Fort Worth, TX. Article appeared in IEEE
Transactions in Professional Communication, 41 (1). March, 1998.
- Assembled, edited,
and introduced special issue of IEEE
Transactions on Professional Communication on Structuring Complex
Interactive Documents. July 1997.
- Consulted
on design, created email newsletter template, wrote three dozen articles
for webzine and online store for children’s software, toys, and video,
called Thunderbeam as a startup, then BrainPlay with its first round of
venture capital, and finally, KBKids.com. 1996-1999.
Content won recognition from L.A. Times,
CNet, Pathfinder, Excite, Parent Soup.
- Consulted with
Cadence Design consulting group on electronic performance support
system being built for intranet site, Fall, 1996
- Provided design
advice on interface and organization of 1000-page Web site for New
Mexico Tech, and Humanities Department home pages, 1995-1997.
Also, worked with 16 undergraduates in creating and refining their
Web pages, March-December, 1995. Coached student STC chapter in creating
list serve for students of technical communication, Fall, 1997.
- Judged
45 Web sites in annual chapter competition, New Mexico STC,1995-1999.
Electronic Information
Wrote Outlining Goes Electronic, a
scholarly book on hypertext outlining, Ablex, #9 in the Association of
Teachers of Technical Writing series.1999.
Presented one-day workshop on An Object-Oriented
Approach to Improving Legacy Documents, for three documentation groups
at Adobe, Inc. moving material from paper to CD-ROM and secured Intranet,
August 10, 1997.
Presented week-long workshop for 100 professional
writers and managers, dealing with an object-oriented approach to revising
legacy documents in order to create online information systems.
University of California Extension, Santa Cruz. July, 1997.
Led three-day workshop on converting legacy documents
to multiple online information systems, PeopleSoft, January 1997.
Lectured on hypertext theory, University of
New Mexico, Fall, 1996.
Judged online help and CD-ROM entries in
annual chapter competition, New Mexico Kachina Chapter of the Society for
Technical Communication, 1995-1999.
Advised development team at Zycad on restructuring
documentation suite (1800 pages) for online and other re-use, 1995.
Presented plan for National Library of
Documentation, an electronic and hardcopy project, to Austin Community
College Roundtable on Technical Communication, October 24, 1995.
Reviewed George Landow’s dynatext, Hypertext,
with Scott Sanders, for Technical Communication (January 1995).
Delivered speech to national meeting of the Modern
Language Association with Scott Sanders, “The Myth of the Reader and
Writer in the Hypertext World.” December, 1994.
Presented weeklong set of workshops on creating
effective CD-ROMs and Recycling Information from Paper to Web
through Seminars in Usable Design, in Bellevue, Washington, August 1994.
Edited and made hypertext out of The Cards of
Light, authored by Nancy Riddle, distributed on CD-ROM with The
Virtual Playhouse, Hayden Books, 1994.
Participated in designing AppleLink University,
an online and very interactive college on America Online, and
created online course on Budgeting with AppleWorks for the consumer
version of AppleLink (1988), later merged into America Online.
Online Help Systems
Survey of Web Customer Assistance, and workshop on Writing Customer
Assistance for the Web, WinWriters Help Conference, San Diego, March,
in Help4Web, an ongoing effort to create W3C standards for customer
assistance on the Web, contributing my own surveys and suggested XML
DTDs, 2000.
two-day workshop on Design Principles of Online Help, 5 times,
University of California Santa Cruz, 1998-2000.
- Trained 75 professional writers and graduate students in design principles for online
help systems, in one-day workshop at Orlando STC Conference, October 4, 1997.
- Presented workshops on Revising Legacy Documents and Online Help to professional writers
at University of California Extension, Santa Cruz, March, 1997.
- Presented workshop on online help systems, Kachina Chapter, STC, Santa Fe, NM, February
- Co-presented "Going Beyond Help" with Francine Hyman, at International meeting
of Society for Technical Communication, April 1995.
- Presented one-day workshop on Online Help to 75 participants of Georgia Chapter of
Society of Technical Communication, March 23, 1995, sponsored by national Society for
Technical Communication.
- Advised on development of Help system for university-wide UNIX system, New Mexico Tech,
January-August 1995.
- Presented speech on How Online Help Builders Can Learn from Online
Services, New Mexico
Chapter, Society for Technical Communication, February 10, 1995.
- Delivered workshop on Online Help to Georgia Chapter of Society of Technical
Communication, March, 1995.
- Presented two workshops on online help, to documentation managers and writers at Oracle
Corp, August, 1994.
- Created Online Help Styleguide, coached teams of writers developing Help for Windows,
Windows NT, Chicago, Macintosh, OS/2, and Power PC platforms, for Personal Computer
Products Division, Oracle Corporation. May-September, 1994
- Coached writing teams developing online help at Cadence Design (1992-1994)
- Presented workshop on Online Help for national audience of STC, Kansas City, MO. March
24, 1994
- Presented workshops on online help to groups of experienced technical writers in Boston,
San Clemente, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, and Minneapolis (Seminars in Usable
Design, 1992-1993)
- Presented workshop on developing online help system, Cray Computer, Minneapolis, MN,
October 8, 1993.
- Presented workshop and analysis of current online help systems, Lotus, Cambridge, MA,
August, 1993.
- Presented workshop, consulted on online information development, Sprint, Mclean, VA,
August, 1993.
- Presented workshop, consulted with Cadence Design team on online suite design,
Massachusetts Group, August, 1993.
- Presented speech on Collaboration and Online Help to Silicon Valley chapter of the STC,
August, 1993.
- Presented keynote speech to conference of online help developers from within Hewlett
Packard, stressing need for collaboration in creating hypertext environments (1992)
- Keynote speaker at convention of Hewlett Packard engineers and instructional designers
developing online help (April, 1992)
- Created hypertext online help for pen-based operating system from GO Computer
- Created interactive online help for Apple Order System (1990).
- Created HyperTalk stacks of online help for MacWrite II from Claris, forming the basis
for all the subsequent Claris online help (1989).
- Presented workshop on Hypertext and Online Help, East Bay Chapter, STC, November 2,
- Designed and created online help for new version of network and information service,
AppleLink, Internal Edition (1989).
- Developed standards and interface for online help for Apple Computer and Claris
Corporation, leading guerilla team to campaign for help systems, creating prototypes for
MacDraw II from Apple (1986, not released), which led to the released HyperTalk-based help
for MacWrite II (Claris, 1989), and templates for Claris authors to use in subsequent help
systems (FileMaker, MacProject, MacDraw, ClarisWorks).
- Coached teams developing online help for finite-element analysis program, ElmCheck from
Fujitsu America (1988), and JumpStart from Epson USA (1987).
- Outlined strategies for online help at conference at M.I.T., and STC Annual Convention,
Philadelphia, PA, reprinted in Text, Context, and HyperText, from M.I.T. Press
- Lectured about online help at Carnegie Mellon University , Communications Design Center
(1988), Stanford University Communications Workshops (1988-1992), University of California
Extension, Berkeley (1988), and University of California Extension, Santa Cruz
- Reviewed and made suggestions for improvement on hypertext projects such as online help,
demonstrations, and tutorials from Cadence, Canon, Epson, Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, and
Sun (1988-1992)
- Launched movement within Apple to develop Help system; canvassed hypertext systems to
use; created working group, developed prototype interfaces, styleguide. 1985-1986.
Technical Writing and Design (Hard Copy)
an overview of the technical communication profession, So You Wannabe
a Technical Writer, a core course in the certificate program for new
technical writers, at University of California Santa Cruz, 4 times a
year, 1998-present.
Program Chair, assembled 45 presenters for two-day regional
conference for Society for Technical Communication, on theme of Modeling
Information in Electronic Space, Albuquerque, NM, October 2000.
book for developers of databases, Special Edition: Using
FileMaker Pro 5, from Que, with Rich Coulombre, 2000.
to Associate Fellow, Society for Technical Communication, 1999.
workshops on the design of effective step-by-step procedures and usability
testing, for Solutions Clinic, Boston, MA, 1998, Phoenix, AZ,
February, 1999.
Distinguished Chapter Service award, Society for Technical
Communication, from Student Chapter, New Mexico Tech, 1999.
user guide explaining how to use digital cameras, scanners, and
color printers: Fun with Digital Imaging: The Official
Hewlett-Packard Guide, with Lisa Price, from HP and IDG Books, 1999.
consumer book on getting the most out of the operating system: Windows
95 for Kids and Parents with Lisa Price, IDG Books, 1998.
step-by-step instructions for consumers using Microsoft Works,
Microsoft Network, Internet Explorer, and other bundled programs: Discover
Microsoft Home Essentials with Lisa Price, IDG Books. 1997.
and co-wrote minimalist tutorial: Self-Study Guide to
Symantec's Norton Utilities, with Dr. Dan Dunne, 1997.
- Prepared 3 Web-based training modules introducing beginners to Java. Sun Computer. Fall,
- Consulted on design and content of college catalog, web site, weekly internal
newsletter, monthly alumni newsletter, and quarterly research newsletter for New Mexico
Tech, 1995-1997.
- Planned and carried out strategy for improving the book design, production process, and
publicity for all books issued by the Society for Technical Communication, December 1995
through 1996, resulting in new book design for two books issued in 1996, and two more in
- Wrote book for consumers, explaining how to use a major online service, The Trail
Guide to America Online, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
- Designed and created tutorial on ClarisWorks 2.0 for business students using Macintosh
computers, for South-Western Publishing, 1994.
- Co-authored article on FileMaker Pro with Rich Coulombre for MacWorld, April
1994. Co-authored two books for developers on FileMaker Pro, Addison Wesley, 1993-94.
- Managed project and co-authored tutorial for business students Using ClarisWorks,
from SouthWestern Publishing, 1993.
- Documented network connectivity for business users of PenPoint-based notebook computers
released by I.B.M., A.T.&T., N.C.R., and Grid (1990-1991).
- Created Quick Tour and Tutorial for Cayenne Systems Document Development Environment
- Created Cachet Tutorial for Electronics for Imaging (1991).
- Co-authored tutorial for business students, Computer Concepts: Microsoft Works
Tutorial and Applications, from SouthWestern Publishing, 1990.
- Created scripts for marketing speeches by Apple executives introducing Desktop
Publishing in Apple Business Forums (1988).
- Wrote tutorial, installation, manual, and online help for MacWrite II from Claris
(1988-1989); MacWrite II Handbook for Bantam Books (1989).
- Updated interactive training for AppleWorks/Network for Claris (1988).
- Wrote Macintosh manuals for GraphicWorks 1.1 from Mindscape (1988).
- Wrote and designed manual for MacAccess from Action Technologies, Incorporated (1988).
- Wrote manual for Connect Service for Connect, Inc. (1988).
- Explained how business people can take advantage of desktop
publishing, in Desktop
Publishing, co-authored with Carlene Schnabel, Ballantine Books, 1987.
- Prepared documentation plans and administered 25 writing and training projects budgeted
in the range of $40,000 to $350,000 each, with Fortune 500 and 1000 companies (1986-1994).
- Wrote training disk, reference manual, and tutorial for AppleWorks, Apple's best-selling
software, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold (1985-87). Won Award of Distinguished
Technical Communication from STC, Northern California, 1986..
- Wrote book about writing at work, Put That in Writing, Viking Press, 1984.
- Wrote book explaining basics of programming, The Instant Experts Guide to IBM
BASIC, Dell Books, 1984.
- Introduced business people to word processing, in The Definitive Word Processing Book,
with Linda Urban, Viking Press and Penguin Books, 1984.
- As Senior Technical Writer at Apple (1982-1986), wrote Apple's style guide for writers,
published as How To Write a Computer Manual, by Benjamin/Cummings, 1984
(revised with Henry Korman as How to Communicate Technical Information, 1993).
- As Apple employee and later as consultant, wrote tutorial,
procedure and reference manuals on Apple
III Spelling Checker (1983), SCSI cabling (1986), SCSI card (1986), AppleLink (1989),
MacTerminal (1986), LaserWriter (1986), Apple II System Utilities (1987), AppleLink
Personal Edition (1988), and pre-release version of ClarisWorks (1985-6).
- Wrote manuals on online inventory and pricing system (6500 different products in each of
1500 supermarkets and department stores), Online Produce Inventory Control System, and
Item Movement Evaluation System for Lucky Stores, Inc. (1981-1982).
Graphic Design
book design, reorganized, and edited Biz Dev 3.0 by Brad
Keywell, American Lawyer Media, 2000-2001.
book design and database, co-wrote The Best of Online
Shopping, with Lisa Price, Ballantine, October, 1999.
art and co-authored the text of Fun with Digital Imaging:
The Official HP Guide, with Lisa Price, from IDG Books, 1999.
graphic design and created corporate web site for The
Communication Circle, at http://www.theprices.com, 1995-2000.
Kodak manuals for digital camera line, 1998.
and rewrote 6 manuals, provided style guidelines for future
documentation for Pioneer DVD players, 1998.
new book design for STC books, 1995-1996, issued two books in
design, Madelyn Flammia (Ed.) Perspectives on the Profession of
Technical Communication and Deborah Andrews (Ed.) International
Dimensions of Technical Communication.
on design and content of college catalog, web site, weekly internal
newsletter, monthly alumni newsletter, and quarterly research
newsletter for New Mexico Tech, 1995-1997.
Technical Editing (Hard Copy)
- Assembled and edited special issue of the Society for Technical
Communication's academic journal, Technical Communication, called
Modeling Information in Electronic Space, February 2001.
- Edited special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Professional Communication on Structuring Complex Interactive
Documents, with Introduction. July, 1997.
- Edited draft of Karen Schrivers Dynamics of Document Design, published 1997
by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. May, 1995.
- Did developmental edits, made suggestions for reorganization and design, on Faxphone
B160 and MultiPASS 1000 Manuals for Canon, Inc. April 1995.
- Edited Windows 3.1 Installation Guide and NEFAX Facsimile Equipment Sales
Guide for Nippon Electric Company (NEC), 1994.
- Acted as managing editor and lead writer for The Virtual Playhouse, a book and
CD-ROM disk from Hayden Books, 1994. This book won awards of Distinction and Best of Show
from the New Mexico STC chapter, and Excellence, from the International competition of the
- Edited three suites of manuals, with more than 24 volumes, for Cadence Design.
- Edited Canon LBP User Guide, 1992.
- Edited dozen manuals from Sony, Canon, Casio, and Nikon for Japanese writers writing in
English in Tokyo. 1987-1990.
- Edited 4 manuals from Epson, Fujitsu, and Qronos. 1988-1990).
- Edited two issues of DeskTopics Magazine
for Apple focusing on Desktop Publishing (Fall, 1987), and Business Productivity (Summer,
Selected Speeches
- Presented Overview of XML to New Mexico Kachina Chapter of
Society for Technical Communication, February, 2001.
- Presented talks on Complexity Theory, Freelancing on the Web, and
A National Library of Documentation at STC Annual Convention, May
- Presented talk on Using Complexity Theory to Understand Whats Happening to
Technical Communication. IEEE Professional Communication Society. October 22, 1997.
- Presented talk on How Electronic Outlining Can Help You Create Online
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Special Interest Group on Systems Documentation
(SIGDOC). October 21, 1997.
- Presented speech on Taking an Object-Oriented Approach to Join the Complex Conversation
of the Web, to three dozen managers of documentation groups in major computer companies,
at the Computer Publications Managers Exchange 1997 Conference, Santa Fe, NM,
October 14.
- Presented Keynote Speech on Technical Communication as a Spiritual Path to STC Trends 97
Technical Communication Conference, Orlando, FL., October 3, 1997.
- Programmed, hosted, and keynoted two-day conference on Recycling Information into
Multimedia using Web Tools and SGML; recruited more than 20 speakers; reviewed their
presentations with them; prepared site; did publicity; signed up more than 80 attendees;
gave keynote speech on reusability, November 17-18, 1995
- Talked with a distance-learning seminar on the possibility of creating a
library of documentation at Austin Community College, where library science students might
participate in the challenge of cataloging this material, previously tossed out as
ephemera. October 23, 1995.
- Keynote speaker at IEEE meeting on documentation, Santa Fe, NM, and presenter, on
collaborative writing strategies, October, 1992.
- Lectured frequently at chapter and national meetings of the Society of Technical
Communicators in Silicon Valley, Berkeley, East Bay, San Francisco, Kansas City, Atlanta,
Orlando, and New Mexico (1983-1997).
- Presented speeches and workshops on using hypertext to introduce a
product, at the
Communication Design Center of Carnegie-Mellon University (1988), the International
Society of Technical Communication meeting for 1988, and University of California
Extension, Santa Cruz (1988-1990).
- Presented guidelines for revising design and writing of Kodak Digital
Camera manuals, coached lead writer on following these guidelines
in creating new manuals, 1998-1999.
- Presented guidelines, and gave detailed coaching advice to new
writers at Pioneer, in Japan, Fall, 1998.
- Presented hands-on workshop on Portfolio Preparations for 25 participants, Kachina
Chapter, Society for Technical Communication, Albuquerque, NM. Fall, 1996.
- Provided ongoing coaching for team of 26 writers and editors in writing procedures,
reference manuals, and tutorials for computer-aided design of chips, Cadence Design, San
Jose, CA, San Diego, CA, and Lowell, MA (1988-1994).
- Coached team of 20 writers in developing a styleguide for their department at Relational
Technologies (1990).
- Coached 12 writers in writing clear procedures for a manufacturing system being
developed by IBM at Qronos Systems, Santa Clara, CA (1988).
- Presented workshops to and coached more than 220 writers and engineers focusing on
to write manuals for the American market: Sony, Canon, Casio, Mitsubishi, and Nikon in
Tokyo, Cadence, Epson, Fujitsu, Hewlett Packard and Qronos in U.S. (1987-1990).
- Trained more than 775 college-age youths in techniques of job search for
Employment Training Act, under contract with Urban Management Consultants, San Francisco
- In teaching as an Associate Professor at New Mexico Tech from 1994
through 1998, I created
six new courses at the undergraduate level:
- Online Information Design
- Introduction to Visual Communication
- Advanced Visual Communication and Document Design
- Usability
- Chance and Necessity (with Lara-Martinez)
- Theater History
- Also, I created two new graduate-level courses:
- Database and Knowledge-Based Systems (with Mazumdar)
- Using the World Wide Web to Supplement Science Teaching.
- I also taught four courses adapted to undergraduate instruction:
- Technical Writing
- Orientation to Technical Communication as a Profession
- Rhetoric for Writers
- Instructional Writing (procedures, tutorials, quick references)
- In addition, I have taught more than a dozen students in Directed Studies, on topics of
their choosing, and have delivered guest lectures in courses in Computer Science and
Technical Communication.
- Student evaluations consistently very enthusiastic. August 1994-December 1997, Tech;
1982-1998, University of California Extension, Santa Cruz and Berkeley.
- Directed Technical Communication program with approximately 30 students, and 5 faculty
members, started planning development of a new Masters program, set up expanded Corporate
Advisory Board, organized Corporate Advisory Board meeting, coordinated support for the
computer lab, and coached the student chapter of the Society for Technical Communication.
Recruited new professor of Music. Taught informal courses on software; dozens of
independent studies for individual students; coached students in Writing Center. New
Mexico Tech, 1994-1998.
- Participated in Thesis Defense
Board, David
Gillette on hypertext (1995), Mickey Marsee thesis on science popularization (1996) at
UNM, with Lynn Beene, Scott Sanders, and Richard Sheehan-Johnson.
- Teach online help, object-oriented approach to documentation, and restructuring legacy
documents at UCSC Extension (1989-1998).
- Taught technical writing, online help, procedures at UCB Extension (1982-1989).
- Led workshops on technical writing at Stanford Communications Workshop (1988-1992).
- Taught undergraduate and graduate courses in computer documentation, writing for
presentation and video in the English Department of U.N.M., as Guest Professor, Fall,
1991; Writing for Visual Presentation, Spring 1993; Hypertext, Spring, 1994.
- Taught Professional and Technical Communication to undergraduate and graduate students
in Computer and Information Science program at University of Phoenix, Albuquerque, NM,
- Taught introduction to technical writing to beginning technical writers twice a year at
University of California Extension, Berkeley, and Santa Cruz (1982-1991).
- Gave General Program talk on How to Teach the Next Generation of Technical
Communicators, STC International Meeting (IPCC), Santa Clara, CA, May 23, 1990.
- As Assistant Professor, taught undergraduates and adults in courses on modern drama,
short story, non-fiction writing, freshman composition, English Department, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ (1978-1979). Summed up advice from my courses for people
writing at work, in Thirty Days to More Powerful Writing, Fawcett, Crown, and
Ballantine (1981).
- As Assistant Professor and Director of the Shakespeare Institute, ran a summer graduate
program sponsored by the University of Bridgeport and the American Shakespeare Theater,
Stratford, Connecticut. Co-hosted and team-taught with Jack Jorgens, intensive workshops
on Shakespeare with lectures, discussions, films, performances, and a scholarly conference
(summers, 1974-1978). Administered staff of two, recruited graduate students, campaigned
for Shakespeare in high schools of Connecticut, won grant from National Endowment for the
Humanities, for "The Classroom as a Stage."
- Lectured on "Analysis of Drama in Film," Modern Language Association, Chicago,
December, 1977.
- Spoke on "Media Counterpoint: A Method for Analyzing Style in Theater,"
International Shakespeare Congress, Washington, DC, April 1976.
- As Assistant Professor, directed Drama Department, taught undergraduate and adult
courses in Modern Drama, Shakespeare, business writing, and freshman composition in
graduate and undergraduate levels of English Department, New York University (1968-1970).
- Created interactive disk-based sales demos for MacPaint II, MacWrite 5.0, and Claris,
using HyperCard (1988). Did sales training brochure for MacWrite II, from Claris (1989).
- Created course offered by Apple dealers to recent purchasers of Apple II systems in $5
million promotion of AppleWorks (1985).
- Thought up and campaigned for Apple's Million Dollar Scholarship, which paid for 10,000
teachers to take courses in computer education (1985).
- Created three sales training modules for 150 newly hired representatives for Apple
- Described how creative teams make commercials, The Best Thing on TV, Viking Press
and Penguin Books, 1978.
95 news articles on beauty e-commerce for CosmetiqueNews.com,
reused in print ancillaries, Beauty Business News and International
Cosmetic News. (2000-2001)
2 feature articles about shopping on America Online for Cliffsnotes.com
(subsidiary of IDG), 2000.
two feature-length print articles on beauty Web sites for Beauty
Times (London), 1999-2000.
reportage on more than a thousand web stores, with FAQ: The
Best of Online Shopping: The Prices' Guide, with Lisa Price,
Ballantine, 1999.
- Co-authored and edited 34 feature articles for Thunderbeam, a webzine for parents
who want to pick the best software for their children at http://www.thunderbeam.com
1996-1997. Won awards and links from C|Net, USA Today, L.A. Times, Pathfinder (Time
Warner), CompuServe.
- Co-authored 7 feature-length articles for Family PC about health software, interior
decorating software, landscaping software, fitness software, cooking software, vacation
planning software, and digital photography (published September 1994 through December
- Interviewed 24 experts on Macintosh systems, edited interviews for inclusion in Maclopedia,
from Hayden Books. (1995).
- Wrote articles on drama, visual arts, and poetry for magazines such as Art News, Harpers,
Parnassus, Visible Language, and Works (1967-1980)
- Wrote articles about television and video art for magazines such as Readers
Digest, Esquire, Harpers, Art News, TV Guide, and The
Nation; articles compiled in Video Visions (New American Library, 1977).
- Created two seasons (26 half-hour shows) of Video Portraits, an in-depth
interview show broadcast on cable TV in southern Connecticut; selected shows shown at The
Kitchen, New York, NY (1977-1978).
Video Art and TV
- Explained technical writing as a career to Japanese National Television (three shows)
- Created two video art pieces for WUBC-TV, 1979.
- Maps
. 28 Minutes. April, 1979.
- Fast Food Showdown
. 28 Minutes. March, 1979.
- Lectured on "Critiquing Commercials," Cornell University, March, 1979.
- Lectured workshop of psychotherapists on "Video as Art and Therapy," Carrier
Clinic, Belle Mead, NJ. January, 1979.
- Created interactive show Does Columbus Love Commercials? 14 minutes. QUBE Cable.
Columbus, OH. 1979.
- Created season of video portraits for WUBC-TV, Bridgeport, CT, 1978-1979:
- Video Portrait: Joellen Bard.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: The Commercial Artist.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Flophouse, with Joel Katz.
22 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Ken Glickfeld.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Stephanie Hunt.
25 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Diana Kay.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Dennis McCrae.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Mark Merker.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Carol Paraskevas.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Stephen Shore.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Throwing It All Away.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Elissa van Rosen.
28 minutes.
- Video Portrait: Paul Zelevansky.
28 minutes.
- Lectured on "Video Art and Commercials," Media Center, American University,
Washington, DC. December, 1978.
- Discussed TV, video, and commercials on television shows:
- Mike Douglas Show
. 100 stations. December 6, 13, 20, 1978.
- Panorama
with Jackson Bain. WTTG, Washington, DC. December 11, 1978.
- Straight Talk
with Phyllis Haynes. WOR TV. New York, NY. November 29, 1978.
- Joel Spivak Show
. WCAU TV. Philadelphia, PA. November 27, 1978.
- AM New York
with David Birney. WABC-TV. November 23, 1978.
- Good Day.
WCVB, Needham, MA., and chain of Field stations. November 20, 1978.
- Whats News?
Nancy Nelson. WTCN TV. Minneapolis, MN. November 17, 1978.
- Good Morning Minnesota.
KMSP TV. Minneapolis, MN. November 17, 1978.
- Books.
WUBC TV. Bridgeport, CT. November 18, 1978.
- Today in Chicago.
WMAQ TV. Chicago, IL. November 17, 1978.
- Eyewitness News at Noon.
KPIX TV. San Francisco, CA. November 15, 1978.
- AM San Francisco.
With Maury Povich. KGO TV. San Francisco, CA. November 15, 1978.
- News with Barbara Simpson.
KTVU TV. Oakland, CA. November 14, 1978.
- Noon News.
Jackie King. KTTV TV. Los Angeles, CA. November 14, 1978.
- Eyewitness News.
WABC-TV. New York, NY. October 18, 1976.
- Gave radio interviews on TV commercials to:
- Bob Hainey Show
, 30 minutes, WASH FM, Washington, DC. December 11, 1978.
- The Fred Fiske Show
, 60 minutes, WAMU FM, Washington, DC. December 8, 1978.
- Dick Syatt Show
. 120 minutes. WITS AM. Boston, MA. November 29, 1978.
- Ed Busch Show
. 60 minutes. WFAA AM. Dallas, TX. November 24, 1978.
- Janet Rose Show
. 15 minutes. WKTU FM. New York, NY. November 26, 1978.
- National Public Radio
, 30 minutes, with Jim Randall, 120 stations, November 20,
- Synergy.
30 minutes. WBZ FM. Boston, MA. November 20, 1978.
- Jim Cameron Show.
30 minutes. WCOZ FM. Boston, MA. November 20, 1978.
- Kermit Coleman Show.
60 minutes. WLS AM. Chicago, IL. November 16, 1978.
- Books & You, with Jack Lee.
30 minutes. WLAK AM. Chicago, IL. November 16, 1978.
- Sanders Show.
30 minutes. WBBM AM. Chicago, IL. November 16, 1978.
- Roy Leonard Show.
30 minutes. WGN AM. Chicago, IL. November 16, 1978.
- Own Spann Show.
60 minutes. KGO AM. San Francisco, CA. November 15, 1978.
- Earth News, with Lou Irwin.
60 minutes. 400 stations. November 14, 1978.
- Dealing with Barbara Cady.
KPFK. Los Angeles, CA. November 13, 1978.
- Carl Goodman Conversations.
30 minutes. KLOS. Los Angeles, CA. November 13, 1978.
- After Midnight.
20 minutes. KNX. Los Angeles, CA. November 13, 1978.
- Michael Jackson Show.
60 minutes. KABC-AM. Los Angeles, CA. November 13, 1978.
- Hilly Rose Show.
60 minutes. KFI-AM. Los Angeles, CA. November 12, 1978.
- Bill Miller Show.
60 minutes. WGY-AM. Albany, NY. October 19, 1978.
- Wrote The Best Thing on TV: Commercials. Viking Press, Penguin Books,
Quality Paperback Club, 1978. Reviewed in Adbeat, Advertising Age, July 31, 1978; Publishers
Weekly, August 28, 1978; Library Journal, September 15, 1978; Bookviews,
November, 1978; Washington Monthly by Richard Reeves, September, 1978; Los Angeles Times,
November 22, 1978; Tom Shales, Washington Post, November 22, 1978; interview,
Minneapolis Tribune, November 25, 1978; interview, Quincy Patriot Ledger,
December 2, 1978; Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1978; James Monaco, Cineaste,
IX, 2; Back Stage, December 22, 1978; Millimeter, January, 1979.
- Created video art shows on aspects of Shakespeare. WUBC-TV, 1977-1978.
- Images of Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing
. 28 minutes. 1978.
- Images of Shakespeare: The Sonnets
. 17 minutes. 1977.
- Images of Shakespeare: Two Gentlemen of Verona
. 28 minutes. 1977.
- Lectured on "The Future of Video," Anthology Film Archives, December, 1977.
- Showed West Side Highway Tape, won award in competition. Anthology Film Archives,
NY. October 20, 1977.
- Wrote Video Visions: A Medium Discovers Itself. New American Library. 1977.
Reviewed in Videography, November, 1977; New York Times by Jeff Greenfield,
December 18, 1977.
- Created TV comedy, The Real World Show. 28 minutes. WUBC-TV. June, 1977.
- Co-created Kissing, with Doug Davis, Summer, 1976.
- Videos featured on Camera Three, CBS TV, New York, NY. March 24, 1974.
- Videographer, North German TV, "Friday Magazine," Karate, July 1973
- Artist in Resident, TV Lab, Channel 13 (WNET), New York Collaborated with David Silver,
Nam June Paik, Bill Etra, David Loxton; created original videos. (1972-1973)
- Pele, A Minimal Story, O Michelangelo!
(WNET, 1972)
- Silence, with Bill Etra and David Silver.
(WNET, 1972).
- News, Participation
(Spring, 1973)
- U.S. of A
. (broadcast WNET TV, New York, NY, July 4, 1974; rebroadcast WUBC,
Bridgeport, CT, July 4, 1977).
- One-man show of digital photographs, Los Ranchos Gallery, New Mexico,
Spring 2000.
- Created 250 pieces of digital art for Hewlett-Packard book on digital
imaging. 1999..
- Created poster, "How to Write a Manual for Me," Apple Computer, 1982.
- Lectured on "Conceptual Art," Pleiades Gallery, May 1978.
- Group show: Museum of Parc Mont Royal. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. July 19, 1977 to
September 12, 1977.
- Group show: Postcards. Librije Beeldende Kunst. Utrecht, Holland. May 28,
1977-June 26, 1977.
- Group show: Whitney Counterweight. Soho, NY. March, 1977. Catalogue, Rabinovitch and
Guerra Gallery, NY, NY.
- Performed I Ching Performance, James Yu Gallery, March 12, 1977 to April 1, 1977.
- Performed Edible I Ching, Soho Gallery. February, 1977. Reviewed in Christian
Science Monitor, February 14, 1977, Artists Review Art, March, 1977.
- Interviewed by Lawrence Alloway for "Artists as Critics." The Nation.
October 23, 1976, p. 408.
- Lectured on "Cooperative Galleries," on city radio station, WNYC, Artists
in the City, with Doris Freedman, December, 1976-January, 1997; also, on PM-NY
show, January, 1976.
- Painted I Ching on West Side Highway, 18th to 23rd Streets, New
York, NY. September, 1976. Show in Westbroadway Gallery, September-October 1976. Reviewed
in Art News, September 1976; New York Times, September 21, 1976; Village
Voice, October 4, 1976; New York Magazine, October 11, 1976; New York Daily
News, October 24, 1976; Artists Review Art, October, 1976. Also: New York
Art Yearbook, 1975-1976, ed. Judith Tannenbaum, Noyes Press, NY, 1976. Video
documentary, 30 minutes, black and white, by ORTF, Paris.
- Solo Show: Canvas Photos. Verle II Gallery. Hartford, CT. May-June, 1976.
- Group Show: Boston Visual Artists Union. June 24, 1976 to July 15, 1976.
- Lectured on "Artists Running Their Own Galleries," Yale School of Art and
Architecture, April 1976.
- Solo Show: Paste Ups. Westbroadway Gallery, NY. March 13, 1976 to April 1, 1976.
Reviewed in Siegried and Seaman, Soho, Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1978, 35-39.
- Group Show: Posters. Henry Hicks Gallery. February 21, 1976 to March 4, 1976.
- Group Show: Art and Structure in North America. Kensington Arts Association,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and on tour throughout Canbada. November 1975-November 1978.
- Collaborative Show: Wall, A Co-operative Artwork. Pleiades Gallery. November 23,
1975- January 10, 1976. Reviewed, Flatbush Life, December 15, 1975; Our Town,
January 2, 1976; Arts Magazine, February, 1976; American Artist, February,
1976; Soho Weekly News, March 25, 1976; Women Artists Newsletter, March,
1976; Artists Review Art, March, 1976.
- Created city-wide Artists Day celebrations, June 1975, June 1976, and May 1977,
won grants, coordinated 300 artists events mostly in Soho, NY, gave speech
"Politics of Art," June 12, 1976. Reviewed in Arts, June 1976; N.Y. Times,
New York, June 11, 1976; Christian Science Monitor, June 30, 1976; The
Nation, July 17, 1976. Interviewed for Iowa Public Radio, July 14, 1976. Appeared
discussing the event, Art News Center, Cable J, May 31, June 3, June 10, 1976.
Performed I Ching, presented Fire Eating, and read the publics fortunes
artistically, as part of event.
- Group Show: Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY. January 1975-July 1976.
- Group show: Grey Art Gallery, New York University, NY. September-November, 1975.
- Keynote speech on "Humanizing the Art World," Pleiades Gallery, NY, December,
- Lectured on "Poetry as a Visual Art," College of New Rochelle, NY. November,
- Spoke on "Why Poets and Artists Need Jobs," Westchester (NY) Community
Collage, November, 1975.
- Gave workshop on "Poetry and Art as Therapy," Cornell Medical Center, New York
Hospital, White Plains, NY, November, 1975.
- As President of Westbroadway Gallery, NY, supervised budget of $40,000, plus annual
sales of approximately $20,000, hiring director and staff, arranging monthly shows by
artist members, adjudicating conflicts, arranging exchange and group shows. 1975-1976.
- As President of the Association of Artist-Run Galleries, helped develop 27 cooperative
galleries in Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY, Montreal, Quebec, Washington, DC, Chicago, IL,
and Seattle, WA, coordinating joint advertising, national publicity, festivals in summers
of 1975-1976, and creating non-profit corporations on behalf of 750 artists. 1974-1979.
Reviewed in Newsweek, July 21, 1975; Soho Weekly News, June 26, 1975; The
Nation, June 21, 1975; American Artist Newsletter, November, 1974; Art in
America Newsletter, November, 1974; Changes, November 1974. Wrote "Co-op
of Co-ops," for Artworkers News (October 1974); "Can Artists
Cooperate?" for Harpers Magazine (February 1975).
- Gallery-wide Shows: Westbroadway Gallery, June 1974, June 1975, September 1975,
September 1976, June 1977, June 1978.
- Group Show: Richmond Museum, Norfolk, VA. June, 1974.
- Reviewed Joseph Beuys show: A Parable of Dialogue. Art News. June, 1974. 50-52.
- Wrote about signs for Harpers Magazine. July, 1974. 8.
- Solo Show: Alphabet in the Spectrum of the Rainbow. Westbroadway Gallery, NY. May
4, 1974 to May 23, 1974.
- Participant, Avant-Garde Festival, New York, NY. 1972-1977.
I Ching Drawing. World Trade Center. June 19, 1977.
Giant I Ching. Floyd Bennett Field, September 28, 1975.
Poster Banners. Shea Stadium. November 16, 1974.
Box Poems. Grand Central Station. December 9, 1973.
Vinyl Poems. South Street Seaport. October 28, 1972.
- Group show: Ice Cream Cone. Poetry of the Americas. Uruguay. June, 1970.
- Solo event: Balloon Poems. Cooper Union. May, 1970.
- Group show: Visual Poetry, curated by Richard Kostelanetz. Jewish Museum, New
York, NY. March, 1970. Reviewed, Hilton Kramer, New York Times, March 21, 1970; New
York Magazine, March 22, 1970; Art News, April, 1970. Show traveled to Loeb
Student Center, New York University, May 1970. Word Salad Editions in collections of John
Cage, Christopher Cerf, David Freeman, Michael Frith, Tony Jones, Val Gunning, Virginia
Hoyt, Henry Korn, Richard Kostelanetz, Nam June Paik, Carol Beighley Paraskevas, Grace
Schulman, Ronald Strackbein, Strobe Talbott, Mel Wathen.
- Two-man show: Flophouse Follies, with Joel Katz. Hopkins Center, Dartmouth
College. April-May, 1969.