Hypertext Information Systems and Web Sites Online Help
Writing and Design (Hard Copy)
Editing (Hard Copy)
Selected Speeches
Video Art
and TV
- Presented Overview of XML to New Mexico Kachina Chapter of
Society for Technical Communication, February, 2001.
- Presented talks on Complexity Theory, Freelancing on the Web, and
A National Library of Documentation at STC Annual Convention, May
- Presented talk on Using Complexity Theory to Understand What’s Happening to
Technical Communication. IEEE Professional Communication Society. October 22, 1997.
- Presented talk on How Electronic Outlining Can Help You Create Online
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Special Interest Group on Systems Documentation
(SIGDOC). October 21, 1997.
- Presented speech on Taking an Object-Oriented Approach to Join the Complex Conversation
of the Web, to three dozen managers of documentation groups in major computer companies,
at the Computer Publications Managers’ Exchange 1997 Conference, Santa Fe, NM,
October 14.
- Presented Keynote Speech on Technical Communication as a Spiritual Path to STC Trends 97
Technical Communication Conference, Orlando, FL., October 3, 1997.
- Programmed, hosted, and keynoted two-day conference on Recycling Information into
Multimedia using Web Tools and SGML; recruited more than 20 speakers; reviewed their
presentations with them; prepared site; did publicity; signed up more than 80 attendees;
gave keynote speech on reusability, November 17-18, 1995
- Talked with a distance-learning seminar on the possibility of creating a
library of documentation at Austin Community College, where library science students might
participate in the challenge of cataloging this material, previously tossed out as
ephemera. October 23, 1995.
- Keynote speaker at IEEE meeting on documentation, Santa Fe, NM, and presenter, on
collaborative writing strategies, October, 1992.
- Lectured frequently at chapter and national meetings of the Society of Technical
Communicators in Silicon Valley, Berkeley, East Bay, San Francisco, Kansas City, Atlanta,
Orlando, and New Mexico (1983-1997).
- Presented speeches and workshops on using hypertext to introduce a
product, at the
Communication Design Center of Carnegie-Mellon University (1988), the International
Society of Technical Communication meeting for 1988, and University of California
Extension, Santa Cruz (1988-1990).