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Welcome to
the world of Windows 95, the most popular operating system for PCs! If Windows 95 seems
strange after using Windows 3.1, or if you're just joining the PC revolution, help is on
the way for kids, parents, and everybody else in the family who uses a computer. Windows
95 For Kids & Parents is written with family computing fun in mind. This reference
has a bit of everything, including practical tips on how to
- Master the basics of Windows 95, from managing files to solving common problems
- Customize Windows for each member of the family
- Play all sorts of cool Windows 95 games
- Make your letters, homework assignments, and projects sparkle with pictures and other
neat stuff
- Watch videos, play music CDs, and have fun just goofing around
- Cruise the Internet safely, and hang out with all your friends in cyberspace
- Try out a bunch of nifty -- and educational -- software programs included on the
accompanying CD-ROM
- Keep your system in great working shape with the Windows program's built-in accessories
and system tools
Windows 95 For Kids & Parents is the fun, easy-to-use guide for families who
want to get the most out of their computers. If you want to find out how to make your
family's computer laugh and sing, produce first-rate reports, browse the World Wide Web,
and play videos, games, and audio CDs, then this is the book for you and your whole
Inside, find helpful advice on how to
- Customize Windows 95 for each person in the family
- Play games like Minesweeper and Hearts with your parents, brothers and sisters, and
- Design great-looking letters, book reports, party invitations, and projects while
listening to your favorite audio CD
- Find your last letter to Grandma and move it to where Mom can locate and read it
- Use family software that draws parents and kids together
- Cruise the Internet for pictures of your favorite stars and comics, sounds from the best
bands, and help with your homework -- show your Mom and Dad how to find the good stuff,
- Write e-mail to your family and friends
ISBN: 0-7645-0277-8
Suggested Retail Price: $24.99 U.S.
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