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Virtual Playhouse Welcome to the world of Macintosh software that's fun to play with--taking care of everything but business.

This book/CD-ROM package explores a suite of cutting-edge and entertaining topics--animation, sound, movie-making, graphics, ResEdit, AppleScript, HyperCard, and more! "The CD-ROM is loaded with 650M of software, enabling readers to experiment and create almost anything they can imagine. Shows readers how to record, edit, and play back QuickTime movies; manage a sound system with the Macintosh Sound Manager; create artificial life, fractals, and sheer chaos". Covers various software for Macintosh.

Table of Contents

1. Playing in the Game Room
2. Creating Artificial Life in the Lab
3. Growing Fractals in Sheer Chaos
4. Painting and Drawing on the Electronic Easel
5. Cartooning in the Animation Studio
6. Building Scenes in the 3-D Workshop
7. Morphing Around in the Changing Room
8. Designing Images in the Electronic Darkroom
9. Running QuickTime in the MooV Theater
10. Workin' on the Sound Stage
11. Making Music in the Recording Studio
12. Multimedia Sculpting in the Workshop
13. Virtual Reality in the 'House
14. Flipping Stacks in the HyperCard Theater
15. Enjoying a Good Story - On the Little Screen
16. Exploring the Corridors of Hypertext Fiction
17. Building the Sets (with ResEdit and Other Stuff)
18. Riding the Data Highways (from the Phone Room)
19. The Annex: File Formats from All Over

Paperback and CD-ROM
Published by Hayden Books
Publication date: March 1994
ISBN: 1568300786

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